Virtual Events of the highest quality

Virtual Events of the highest quality


And no Zoom in site. See below Slipstream using best in class video linking technology provides a multiple remote speaker panel Conference with extraordinary results. Video quality, title graphics, background imagery and overlays to show what can be done.

Here we compare a Slipstream virtual panel discussion event, switching live to solo speakers as they speak; to a Zoom event at the bottom, and the limitations this brings.   


Slipstream utilising Zoom to bring in speakers, but using dedicated enterprise platforms after that point, to create broadcast quality live streams. 



And then a Zoom panel discussion.... 


Project Info

Client: Sustainable Business Council

Categories: virtual,conference,Corporate communications,Corporate

Project url: [ { "caption": "Using the best platforms", "link": "http://", "newWindow": true, "edit": false, "isInternal": false, "type": "external", "title": "Using the best platforms" } ]